4 research outputs found

    Opt-RNN-DBSVM: Optimal recurrent neural network density based support vector machine

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    When implementing SVMs, two major problems are encountered: (a) the number of local minima increases exponentially with the number of samples and (b) the quantity of required computer storage, required for a regular quadratic programming solver, increases by an exponential magnitude as the problem size expands.  The Kernel-Adatron family of algorithms gaining attention lately which has allowed to handle very large classification and regression problems. However, these methods treat different types of samples (Noise, border, and core) with the same manner, which causes searches in unpromising areas and increases the number of iterations. In this work , we introduce a hybrid method to overcome these shortcoming, namely Optimal Recurrent Neural Network Density Based Support Vector Machine (Opt-RNN-DBSVM).  This method consists of four steps: (a) characterization of different samples, (b) elimination of samples with a low probability of being a support vector, (c) construction of an appropriate recurrent neural network based on an original energy function, and (d) solution of the system of differential equations, managing the dynamics of the RNN, using the Euler-Cauchy method involving an optimal time step. Thanks to its recurrent architecture, the RNN remembers the regions explored during the search process. We demonstrated that RNN-SVM converges to feasible support vectors and Opt-RNN-DBSVM has a very low time complexity compared to RNN-SVM with constant time step, and KAs-SVM. Several experiments were performed on academic data sets. We used several classification performance measures to compare Opt-RNN-DBSVM to different classification methods and the results obtained show the good performance of the proposed  method

    Multi-objectives optimization and convolution fuzzy C-means: control of diabetic population dynamic

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    The optimal control models proposed in the literature to control a population of diabetics are all single-objective which limits the identification of alternatives and potential opportunities for different reasons: the minimization of the total does not necessarily imply the minimization of different terms and two patients from two different compartments may not support the same intensity of exercise or the same severity of regime. In this work, we propose a multi-objectives optimal control model to control a population of diabetics taking into account the specificity of each compartment such that each objective function involves a single compartment and a single control. In addition, the Pontryagin’s maximum principle results in expansive control that devours all resources because of max-min operators and the control formula is very complex and difficult to assimilate by the diabetologists. In our case, we use a multi-objectives heuristic method, NSGA-II, to estimate the optimal control based on our model. Since the objective functions are conflicting, we obtain the Pareto optimal front formed by the non-dominated solutions and we use fuzzy C-means to determine the important main strategies based on a typical characterization. To limit human intervention, during the control period, we use the convolution operator to reduce hyper-fluctuations using kernels with different size. Several experiments were conducted and the proposed system highlights four feasible control strategies capable of mitigating socio-economic damages for a reasonable budget

    OPT-RNN-DBSVM: OPTimal Recurrent Neural Network and Density-Based Support Vector Machine

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    When implementing SVMs, two major problems are encountered: (a) the number of local minima of dual-SVM increases exponentially with the number of samples and (b) the computer storage memory required for a regular quadratic programming solver increases exponentially as the problem size expands. The Kernel-Adatron family of algorithms, gaining attention recently, has allowed us to handle very large classification and regression problems. However, these methods treat different types of samples (i.e., noise, border, and core) in the same manner, which makes these algorithms search in unpromising areas and increases the number of iterations as well. This paper introduces a hybrid method to overcome such shortcomings, called the Optimal Recurrent Neural Network and Density-Based Support Vector Machine (Opt-RNN-DBSVM). This method consists of four steps: (a) the characterization of different samples, (b) the elimination of samples with a low probability of being a support vector, (c) the construction of an appropriate recurrent neural network to solve the dual-DBSVM based on an original energy function, and (d) finding the solution to the system of differential equations that govern the dynamics of the RNN, using the Euler–Cauchy method involving an optimal time step. Density-based preprocessing reduces the number of local minima in the dual-SVM. The RNN’s recurring architecture avoids the need to explore recently visited areas. With the optimal time step, the search moves from the current vectors to the best neighboring support vectors. It is demonstrated that RNN-SVM converges to feasible support vectors and Opt-RNN-DBSVM has very low time complexity compared to the RNN-SVM with a constant time step and the Kernel-Adatron algorithm–SVM. Several classification performance measures are used to compare Opt-RNN-DBSVM with different classification methods and the results obtained show the good performance of the proposed method